Mentions of MSB


Recently, several articles have been published about the activities of our Association. They are related, among others, to the exhibition at the Legnica SILVER Festival 2024 coorganized by MSB:

- interview with prof. Sławomir Fijałkowski, conducted by Anna Wójcik-Korbas, in which we can get to know the behind-the-scenes of the creation of the exhibition
Baltic Amber 2024 > Other Criteria was published on the prestigious Klimt02 website in the English version ENG  and in the Polish version on the website PL
- article by Anna Sado, providing information about the exhibition on the website 

The Vice President and Director of the MSB office talked about amber, its modification and identification:

- article by prof. Ewa Wagner-Wysiecka and Małgorzata Siudak was published in InColor Spring/Summer 2024 magazine

Our cooperation with the Phyletic Museum in Jena was mentioned in the article "Trapped in Time - Amber Discoveries" on the website of the renowned microscope manufacturers ZEISS - ENG

Have a great read!