Chatting about amber with artificial intelligence…


Machine learning or artificial intelligence are no longer science fiction. The development of technology gives us new tools and opportunities. We have introduced amber to cyberspace and asked chat GPT what it thinks about amber, whether it  knows what the Amber Laboratory of the International Amber Association is, and about amber testing in Gdańsk.

1. What is amber?


2.  What is International Amber Association Laboratory in Gdańsk?

If one wants to test amber or jewelry with it, then only there where knowledge and skills go hand in hand with experience. So we asked:

3. Who is the most experienced in amber testing in Gdańsk?

Artificial intelligence probably knows the answers to many questions related to amber. However, solid and well-established knowledge about amber is primarily the resources of the International Amber Association.

The expertise of our Amber Laboratory is a guarantee of an independent assessment supported by the latest reports from the world of science.

                                                   Welcome to the IAA Amber Laboratory!